Digital Circuits & System (IT-3003)
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RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering
Course Objectives
In the modern age electronic computers, communication systems and Internet became an important part of our life. The operation of these systems is based on the principle of digital techniques. The objective of this course is to get familiar with the concept of digital techniques and these systems are referred to as digital systems.
Number systems and logic gates: Decimal, Binary, Octal, Hexadecimal number systems and
radix conversion. Codes- BCD, excess 3, gray, ASCII. Boolean algebra- Theorems and
properties, Boolean functions, canonical and standard forms, De Morgans theorem, digital logic
gates, Karnaugh maps.
Combinational circuits: Introduction to combinational circuits, multilevel NAND, NOR
implementation. Designing binary Adders and Subtractors. Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer,
Demultiplexer circuits.
Sequential circuits: Introduction to Sequential circuits, flip-flops, RS, D, T, JK, M/S JK-flipflops, truth tables, excitation tables and characteristic equations, clocked and edge triggered flipflops, Registers- Definition, serial, parallel, shift left/right registers, Johnson counter,
asynchronous and synchronous counters.
Digital logic families: Bipolar and unipolar logic families, Digital IC specifications, RTL, DTL,
All types of TTL circuits, ECL, IIL, PMOS, NMOS & CMOS Logic.
Clocks and timing circuits: Bistable, Monostable & Astable multivibrator, Schmitt trigger circuit,
Introduction of Analog to Digital & Digital to Analog converters, Display devices, 7 and 16
segment LED display, LCD.
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3
- Unit 4
- Unit 5
Course Outcomes
On the completion of this course, students will be able to understand the basic building blocks of digital systems. The basic building block includes encoders, decoders, multiplexers and demultiplexers. These are commonly used in digital systems such as computers, communication systems and other modern technologies.
Reference Books:
1. M. Morris Mono, “Digital logic design”, Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
2. A Anand Kumar, “Fundamentals of digital circuits“, PHI Learning Pvt Ltd.
3. A K Maini, “Digital Electronics Principles and Integrated Circuits, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
4. R P Jain, “Modern Digital Electronics”, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing company Ltd.
5. D P Kothari and J S Dhillon, "Digital Circuits and Design", Pearson Education Pvt. Ltd.
List of Experiments:
1. Study and verify the operation of AND, OR, NOT, NOR and NAND logic gates.
2. Design all basic logic gates using NOR universal gate.
3. Design all basic logic gates using NAND universal gate.
4. Verification of Demorgan’s theorem.
5. Construction and verification of half adder and full adder circuits.
6. Construction and verification of half subtractor and full subtractor circuits.
7. Design of Binary to Grey & Grey to Binary code Converters .
8. Design of BCD to excess-3 code converter.
9. Design and verification of Multiplexer circuit
10. Design and verification of De-multiplexer circuit.
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