Heat & Mass Transfer (ME-6003) - B.E RGPV CBCS & CBGS Scheme Notes -->
Heat & Mass Transfer (ME-6003)
 RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering

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RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering


Basic Concepts: Modes of heat transfer, Fourier’s law, Newton’s law, Stefan Boltzman law; thermal resistance and conductance, analogy between flow of heat and electricity, combined heat transfer process; Conduction: Fourier heat conduction equation, its form in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates, thermal diffusivity, linear one dimensional steady state conduction through a slab, tubes, spherical shells and composite structures, electrical analogies, critical-insulation-thickness for pipes, effect of variable thermal conductivity.

Extended surfaces (fins): Heat transfer from a straight and annular fin (plate) for a uniform cross section; error in measurement of temperature in a thermometer well, fin efficiency, fin effectiveness, applications; Unsteady heat conduction: Transient and periodic conduction, heating and cooling of bodies with known temperatures distribution, systems with infinite thermal conductivity, response of thermocouples.

Convection: Introduction, free and forced convection; principle of dimensional analysis, Buckingham ‘pie’ theorem, application of dimensional analysis of free and forced convection, empirical correlations for laminar and turbulent flow over flat plate and tubular geometry; calculation of convective heat transfer coefficient using data book.

Heat exchangers: Types- parallel flow, counter flow; evaporator and condensers, overall heat transfers coefficient, fouling factors, log-mean temperature difference (LMTD), method of heat exchanger analysis, effectiveness of heat exchanger, NTU method; Mass transfer: Fick’s law, equi-molar diffusion, diffusion coefficient, analogy with heat transfer, diffusion of vapour in a stationary medium.

Thermal radiation: Nature of radiation, emissive power, absorption, transmission, reflection and emission of radiation, Planck’s distribution law, radiation from real surfaces; radiation heat exchange between black and gray surfaces, shape factor, analogical electrical network, radiation shields.
Boiling and condensation: Film wise and drop wise condensation; Nusselt theory for film wise condensation on a vertical plate and its modification for horizontal tubes; boiling heat transfer phenomenon, regimes of boiling, boiling correlations.


Books Recommended

1. Sukhatme SP; Heat and mass transfer; University Press Hyderabad
2. Holman JP; Heat transfer; TMH
3. Nag PK; heat and Mass Transfer; TMH
4. Dutta BK; Heat Transfer Principles And App; PHI Learning
5. Mills AF and Ganesan V; Heat transfer; Pearson
6. Cengel Yunus A; Heat and Mass transfer;TMH
7. Yadav R; Heat and Mass Transfer; Central India pub-Allahabad
8. Baehr HD;Stephan K; Heat and Mass Transfer; MacMillan Pub
9. Incropera FP and Dewitt DP; Heat and Mass transfer; Wiley

List of Experiments (Pl. expand it):

1 Conduction through a rod to determine thermal conductivity of material
2 Forced and free convection over circular cylinder
3 Free convection from extended surfaces
4 Parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger effectiveness and heat transfer rate
5 Calibration of thermocouple
6 Experimental determination of Stefen-Boltzman constant

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