Software Engineering (IT-6002)
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RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering
Introduction, Software- problem and prospects Software development process: System
Development Life Cycle, Waterfall Model, Spiral Model and other models, Unified processAgile development-Agile Process- Extreme Programming- Other agile Process models.
Measures, Metrics and Indicators, Metrics in the Process and Project Domains, Software
Measurement, Metrics of Software Quality, S/W reliability, Software estimation techniques,
LOC and FP estimation. Empirical models like COCOMO, project tracking and scheduling,
reverse engineering.
Software requirements and specification: feasibility study, Informal/formal specifications,
pre/post conditions, algebraic specification and requirement analysis models, Specification
design tools. Software design and implementation: Software design objectives and techniques,
User interface design, Modularity, Functional decomposition, DFD, Data Dictionary, Objectoriented design, Design patterns implementation strategies like top- down, bottom-up.
Coding standard and guidelines, programming style, code sharing, code review, rapid
prototyping, specialization, construction, class extensions, intelligent software agents,
reuse performance improvement, debugging. Software Testing Strategies: Verification and
Validation, Strategic Issues, test plan, white box, black-box testing, unit and integration
testing, system testing test case design and acceptance testing, maintenance activities.
Software Maintenance: Software Supportability, Reengineering, Business Process
Reengineering, Reverse Engineering, Restructuring, Forward Engineering, Economics of
Reengineering, project scheduling and tracking plan, project management plan, SQA and
quality planning, SCM activities and plan, CMM, Software project management standards,
Introduction to component based software engineering.
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3
- Unit 4
- Unit 5
Books Recommended
1. P,S. Pressman, Software Engineering. A Practitioner's Approach, TMH.
2. Rajib Mall, Fundamental of Software Engineering, PHI.
3. Hans Van Vliet, Software Engineering, Wiley India Edition.
4. James S. Peters, Software Engineering, Wiley India Edition.
5. Pankaj Jalote, Software Engineering: A Precise Approach, Wiley India.
6. Kelkar, Software Project Management, PHI Learning
Sample Problems:
a. Library Management System
b. Automated banking system
c. Airline reservation system
d. Employee management application
e. Hospital management Application
Suggested Lab work for above given problems:
1. Develop requirements specification for sample problems (The requirements specification
should include both functional and non-functional requirements).
2. Develop DFD Model (Level 0, Level 1 DFD and data dictionary) of the sample problems
(Use of a CASE tool required).
3. Design Class diagram for sample problems.
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