Information Theory & Coding (EC-7005)

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RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering
Introduction : Information Theory, Information and entropy, joint and conditional entropy, differential entropy,
relative entropy, mutual information, relationship between entropy and mutual information.
Source coding: Shannon’s source coding theorem, Huffman coding, Shannon Fano coding. Channel Coding Channel
capacity, binary symmetric channel, binary erasure channel, Shannon’s channel coding theorem.
Linear Block Codes: Definition, properties, matrix description of linear block codes, generator and parity check
matrix, encoding of linear block codes, decoding of linear block codes, syndrome decoding, standard array, co-sets,
perfect codes, systematic block code, Hamming code.
Cyclic Codes: Introduction, properties of cyclic codes, polynomials and division algorithm, and decoding of cyclic
codes, matrix description of cyclic codes, burst error correction, cyclic redundancy check. Circuit implementation of
cyclic codes.
Convolution Codes: Introduction, tree codes and trellis codes, polynomial description of convolution codes, distance
notation, generating function, matrix description, viterbi decoding. Course Outcomes: After successfully completing
the course students will be able to understand concept of fundamental of Information Theory and Coding.
Evaluation: Evaluation will be continuous and integral part of the class followed by final examination.
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3
- Unit 4
- Unit 5
Books Recommended
1. Das, Mullick and Chatterjee: Principles of Digital Communication, New Age International Publishers.
2. Cover and Thomas: Elements of Information Theory, Wiley India.
3. Ranjan Bose: Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography, TMH.
4. Lin and Costello: Error Control Coding, Pearson Education.
5. Moon: Error Correction Coding, Wiley India. 6. Wells: Applied Coding and Information Theory for Engineers,
Pearson Education
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