Waste Disposal & Management (CE-8004)
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RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering
Solid Waste And Its Management: Introduction to solid waste-Definition of solid
waste, garbage, rubbish-Sources and Types. Characteristics of Solid Wastes: Physical, chemical
and biological characteristics. 3Rs- Reduction, reuse, recycling and recovery principles of waste
management- Functional elements of Solid Waste management- Waste generation and handling
at source-Collection of solid wastes- Collection methods and services- guidelines for collection
route layout.
Waste Water And Its Management: Characteristics and analysis of waste water,
recycles of decomposition, physical, chemical & biological parameters. Unit operations for waste
water treatment, preliminary treatment.
Hazardous Waste And Its Management: Introduction to hazardous waste
management issues, classification; Magnitude of problem; Risk assessment; Environmental
Legislation; Characterization and site assessment; Waste minimization and resource recovery;
Storage and Transportation of Hazardous wastes; Hazard in processing and treatment; Physical,
Chemical, Thermal and Biological processes;
Transfer And Transport Of Wastes: Solid Waste transportation: Transfer stationProcessing and segregation of the solid waste- various methods of material segregation.
Hazardous waste transportation: According to economic benefits, transfer stations, and types of
hazardous waste.
Disposal Of Wastes: Solid waste disposal: Volume reduction, Open dumping, land
filling techniques. Landfills: classification-Design and Operation of landfills, Land Farming,
Deep well injection. Hazardous waste disposal; Landfill disposal and land storage; Ground water
contamination; Containment; remedial alternatives. Natural methods of waste water disposal i.e.
by land treatment & by dilution, self purification capacity of stream, Oxygen sag analysis
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3
- Unit 4
- Unit 5
Books Recommended
1. Waste Water Engg. by B.C. Punmia - Laxmi Publication (P) Ltd. New Delhi
2. Environmental Engg. - M.L. Davis & D.A. Cornwell - Mc Graw Hill Company
3. Integrated Solid Waste Management by Tchobanognous
4. Environmental Engineering by Howard S. Peavy, Donald R. Rowe and George.
5. Hazardous Waste Management by Charles A. Wentz - - Mc Graw Hill Company
6. Hazardous Waste Management Gaynor W. Dawson, Basil W. Mercer
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