Machine Learning (CS-8003)
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RGPV notes CBGS Bachelor of engineering
Machine learning basics: What is Machine Learning, Types and Applications of ML, , Tools
used, AI vs ML .Introduction to Neural Networks.
Introduction to linear regression: SSE; gradient descent; closed form; normal equations;
features, Introduction to classification: Classification problems; decision boundaries; nearest
neighbor methods.
Linear regression; SSE; gradient descent; closed form; normal equations; features
Overfitting and complexity; training, validation, test data, and introduction to Matlab (II)
Introduction to Supervised Learning, Supervised learning setup, LMS, Linear Methods for
Classification, Linear Methods for Regression, Support Vector Machines. Basis Expansions,
Model Selection Procedures
Perceptron, Exponential family, Generative learning algorithms, Gaussian discriminant
analysis, Naive Bayes, Support vector machines, Model selection and feature selection,
Decision Tree, Ensemble methods: Bagging, boosting, Evaluating and debugging learning
algorithms. Classification problems; decision boundaries; nearest neighbor methods,
Probability and classification, Bayes optimal decisions Naive Bayes and Gaussian classconditional distribution,
Linear classifiers Bayes' Rule and Naive Bayes Model, Logistic regression, online gradient
descent, Neural Networks Decision tree and Review for Mid-term, Ensemble methods:
Bagging, random forests, boosting A more detailed discussion on Decision Tree and
REINFORCEMENT LEARNING: Markov decision process (MDP), HMM, Bellman
equations, Value iteration and policy iteration, Linear quadratic regulation, Linear Quadratic
Gaussian, Q-learning, Value function approximation, Policy search, Reinforce, POMDPs.
Introduction to Unsupervised Learning : Association Rules, Cluster Analysis, Reinforcement
Learning,Clustering K-means, EM. Mixture of Gaussians, Factor analysis, PCA (Principal
components analysis), ICA (Independent components analysis);, hierarchical agglomeration
Advanced discussion on clustering and EM, Latent space methods; PCA, Text
representations; naive Bayes and multinomial models; clustering and latent space models,
VC-dimension, structural risk minimization; margin methods and support vector machines
(SVM), Support vector machines and large-margin classifiers Time series; Markov models;
autoregressive models
DIMENSIONALITY REDUCTION: Feature Extraction , Singular value decomposition.
Feature selection – feature ranking and subset selection, filter, wrapper and embedded
methods. Machine Learning for Big data: Big Data and MapReduce, Introduction to Real
World ML, Choosing an Algorithm, Design and Analysis of ML Experiments, Common
Software for ML
- Unit 1
- Unit 2
- Unit 3
- Unit 4
- Unit 5
Books Recommended
1. Tom M. Mitchell, ―Machine Learning, McGraw-Hill Education (India) Private Limited,
2. Ethem Alpaydin, ―Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and
Machine Learning) The MIT Press 2004.
3. Stephen Marsland, ―Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective, CRC Press, 2009.
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